Entry Level Jobs Forum

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  • entry level jobs? Last updated by Roger: 3-Apr-2017

    Hello I’m looking for a job. I’m actually looking for my fist job, this is new to me and I see a bunch of vacancies with “Entry level” in their titles. What does exactly mean? I feel it’s something like for people with no experience like me, am I right?

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    • Hello, have fun looking for your first job since it’s not as easy as it may seem. It is true that Entry Level mean no experience but the thing here is that they also mean little skill, little knowledge and generally low pay. I don’t know what you have studied, so maybe it can work for you but honestly jobs with assistant (blank) could be more interesting for you as they as not as low pay, they are also meant for low experienced people.

      3-Apr-2017 Reply to Roger
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